Marine Labour Convention
The MLC now has been ratified and applies for some classes of vessels.
If a British registered vessel is operating commercially on international passages, or is based abroad and operating commercially, then the MLC applies to her operation.
There are special excemptions from psrts of the requirements for vessels where the only paid crew member(s) are the owner(s), and also existing vessels - fitting into a definition within the MLC, do not have to change their accommodation in most cases.
The MLC requirements can be covered by introducing a number of policies, and showing that they are in use, and ANDMarine can assist with the creation of such policies, which the vessel owners can edit to their preferred style and details prior to undertaking an MLC inspection.
There is no requirement to undertake an MLC inspection as such, but as the such vessels may be boarded abroad by port state inspectors, who will ask about MLC compliance, theyr investigation will cease at the presentation of a valid compliance certificate. If such certificate is not present onboard, then they will likely conduct a full MLC compliance examination, and can detain the vessel in case deficiencies are found. Both the inspection and detension being a problem for the vessel owners if clients are onboard.
Please get in touch to have a discussion about the MLC and how it applies to your vessel and its operation, and how ANDMarine could assist you. Ian Anderson is authorised by both the YDSA, and the SCMS to act as MLC compliance inspector with respect to small commercial vessels, and such inspections can usually be accomplished in conjunction with coding compliance examinations.
Note that a valid MLC certificate lasts three years, such that it can readily be renewed at an annual inspection (for vessels requiring annual inspections) or at the midterm inspection, for other vessels.